Catherine offers private lessons to empower students to take care of themselves, find their own joy, and practice at home.
She believes that each one of us has the innate power to be happy and healthy so that we can enjoy life to the fullest. The ancient path of yoga is one way to gain access to our own natural reservoir of healing and the confidence to create the life we want. Catherine helps students understand how to weave the eight limbs of yoga from Patanjali's Yoga Sutra into their lives.
One of Catherine's favorite yoga sutras is Pratipaksha Bhavana.
“prati-other, opposing; paksha-wing, half; bhavana-dwelling, home, mansion, being.”
The literal meaning of this sutra is “moving to the other side of the mansion” — it teaches the mind how to change from a negative focus to a more positive one and it works!
Private lessons are for anyone who wants to attend regularly or learn how to practice at home... to become more flexible, stronger and more relaxed using their own inner wisdom. You can attend as often as you like, once a week, once a month or when the mood strikes.
Every class is tailored to the individual given his or her unique set of strengths, flexibilities, and desire to learn specific asanas etc, combined with the skills Catherine has to discern what would be best for the whole person.
Here are ideas for your yoga lessons.
Create a home yoga practice
Learn how to meditate
Learn how to breathe
Reduce stress with restorative poses
Take savasana (relaxation) further
Hone your technique in... balance, twists, forward bends, backbends, hips and shoulders, inverted poses or restoratives
Learn more about... crystals, essential oils, mudras, mantras, chanting
Balance your chakras using essential oils, chanting and mantras
Yoga therapy for specific issues
Teaching techniques for yoga instructors
Yoga Lifestyle... home organization, simplifying your life, food etc.
Design your own class!
One 1 hour private yoga lesson: $108
One 1 hour semi-private yoga lesson for two people: $108
*Ten 1 hour private yoga lesson pass: $1000
One hour: $108 - $100 with a pass
One hour + 15 min: $135 - $125 with a pass
One hour + 30 min: $162 - $150 with a pass
Each additional person per hour: $54 - $50 with a pass
Travel to your home is a minimum of $25 per 30 min round trip and $50 per hour
*Good for one year